
Hi, my name is

Ryan Singleton. 👋🏻

I build things for the Web.

I am a front end developer that specializes in crafting seamless web experiences.

About Me

Hi there! I'm Ryan, a tech enthusiast with 3 years of experience as a developer. Currently, I work at MTi Group, specializing in front-end development. I excel at creating seamless and engaging web experiences using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and modern frameworks like React. At Light Sail VR, I collaborated closely with Amazon's Prime Video team, contributing to high-impact applications that enhanced user experiences on a large scale.

My journey began at Promineo Tech's boot camp, where I honed my JavaScript and React skills. Further education at Brigham Young University-Idaho introduced me to SQL, PHP, NodeJS, and MongoDB, enriching my backend knowledge. Outside of coding, I enjoy playing basketball, reading, and spending time with my family. In a nutshell, I'm a skilled front-end developer with growing backend expertise, passionate about crafting efficient and user-friendly applications.

Ryan Singleton Headshot

My Work

I collaborated with Amazon's Prime Video team to develop a shopping functionality for Candy Cane Lane movie merchandise as part of a 3D immersive experience. Users could walk through a virtual set of the movie and purchase items found in the set, boosting product sales by 30%. Additionally, I implemented a themed scavenger hunt that attracted thousands of new users to Amazon’s social channels. (See full VR Experience)

I developed Metric Mind, an upcoming app offering the most detailed Amazon advertising insights on the market. Users can upload ad reports for comprehensive performance breakdowns, saving advertisers time. Built with React and Node.js/Express, it includes data visualizations and an API I developed to connect to a MongoDB database. An upcoming feature will automate ad account connections, eliminating the need for manual uploads.

I developed an e-commerce website from scratch for MTi GROUP, handling all aspects of design, planning, and implementation. I utilized JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and Shopify's Liquid templating language to create a fully functional and visually appealing site. I took and edited over 500 product images and created over 100 graphics for the site using Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Illustrator. Additionally, I managed the marketing efforts, creating flyers, product inserts, packaging designs, and LinkedIn posts. I also oversaw the supply chain, sourcing, and managing relationships with vendors for over 250 new products.


  • LightSail VR
  • MTi Group
  • OMG Commerce
  • Signature Singleton
  • JPMorgan Chase

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer @ LightSail VR (with Amazon Prime Video)

Aug 2023 - Jan 2023

  • Collaborated with Amazon's Prime Video team to develop shopping functionality for Candy Cane Lane movie merchandise in a 3D immersive experience.
  • Increased Candy Cane Lane product purchases by 30% through in-app shopping.
  • Implemented a themed scavenger hunt that drove thousands of new users to Amazon’s social channels.
  • Utilized JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Tailwind CSS to create a seamless user experience.

Web Developer @ MTi Group

Sep 2023 - Present

  • Developed an e-commerce website from scratch, handling all aspects of design, planning, and implementation independently.
  • Took and edited over 500 product images, and created over 100 graphics using Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Illustrator.
  • Managed marketing efforts by creating flyers, product inserts, packaging designs, and LinkedIn posts.
  • Utilized JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and Shopify's Liquid templating language for the site.
  • Oversaw the supply chain for over 250 new products, including sourcing, contacting, and maintaining relationships with vendors.

Developer / Digital Marketing Specialist @ OMG Commerce

Jan 2021 - Sep 2023

  • Developed and launched a JavaScript application that assessed advertising accounts, enhancing reporting efficiency by at least 30% across the department.
  • Developed a Python-based Search Term App, boosting departmental efficiency and saving each employee in the department an average of 5 hours weekly.
  • Developed an efficient script to automate the calculation and reporting of company-wide goals and initiatives, resulting in a monthly time-saving of approximately 3 hours for the finance team.

President @ Signature Singleton L.L.C.

Nov 2018 - Feb 2022

Signature Singleton L.L.C. is an online retail company that operates on Amazon.com. We offer a wide range of high-quality products to consumers and utilize Amazon's fulfillment services for fast and reliable delivery, as well as excellent customer support.

  • Used Amazon Seller Central to assess business needs, optimize areas of improvement, view and generate sales reports, open cases, create and edit shipments, and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Constantly listed, monitored, and analyzed new and existing ASINs while utilizing strategies to improve and maintain product rankings.
  • Used AMS (Amazon Marketing Services) and sponsored products to boost ASIN performance and overall profitability. *Amazon Ads Certified*
  • Worked with brands to boost sales by optimizing listings through descriptions and images.
  • Prioritized and demonstrated great time management to ensure continuous progress and growth. Graduate of the Wholesale Academy (Larry Lubarsky/Watch Me Amazon's FBA Course).

Bilingual Fraud Specialist @ JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Dec 2022 - Present

  • Engaged in interactive dialogue with customers through active listening.
  • Determined customer needs and provided appropriate solutions through relationship building.
  • Used effective verbal and written communications with both external and internal customers.
  • Effectively prioritized work to ensure efficiency in a fast-paced environment.
  • Abided by all applicable regulatory and department practices and procedures.
  • Became familiar and fluent with all Windows Operating Systems and Microsoft Office Tools.


  • Promineo Tech
  • BYU-Idaho
  • Codecademy
  • Columbus State Community College

Front End Software Development Bootcamp

Mar 2022 - Jul 2022

  • Algorithms & Object Oriented Programming
  • Design Patterns & Unit Testing
  • Version Control, Responsive Web Design, & more

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

Nov 2018 - Feb 2022

Certficates in:

  • Web & Computer Programming
  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • Conversion of Software Requirement into Code
  • Development of Dynamic Webpages & Programs
  • Object Oriented Programming - Programming with Classes
  • Develop Design & Problem-Solving Skills
  • Develop Strong Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Front End Software Engineer Career Path

Sep 2021 - Mar 2022

  • Web Foundations
  • Improved Styling with CSS
  • Building Ineractive Websites
  • Front-End Development

Associate's Degree in Business Management

Jan 2018 - Jan 2021

  • Dean's List from 2018-2021
  • Studied Business Management
  • 3.7 GPA


I am currently open to collaborate on new projects. Let's chat!